Minute Man II September 29 – October 1, 2017 Prelude to a Sequel It had been over a year since I last visited Rod Ryan at the Storm Mountain Training Center (SMTC). That visit was a memorable introduction, so I had every intention of returning. Minute Man II offered me that opportunity, so I took […]
Fresh out of the NRA Law Enforcement Patrol Rifle Instructor course, I received a message from Noah of Wise Men Company: “If I had a slot open for carbine-ii [now called Carbine-III (CQB Prep)] at Storm Mountain next weekend would you be interested and able to get away fri-sun?” Three hours later, after getting my […]
This year is the first in ten that I haven’t travelled to eastern North Carolina to hunt feral pigs at Howell Woods. Over these years, I’ve hunted with Wounded Warriors and Mennonite pacifists. I’ve watched Duke-educated foresters conduct a controlled burn of Loblolly Pines, and hobby environmentalists birding. A Ford F-350 forded swollen creeks to drop me off at my tree stand, and a Gator retrieved […]
I began my firearms training on small Pennsylvania farms. From an early age, my brother and I practiced on a Daisy 1105 BB gun, and eventually graduated to our grandfather’s single-shot .22 rifle. Instruction was informal (“be careful where you point it”), but effective. We learned to respect the potential danger of firearms while enjoying […]
On July 7, Sig Sauer announced the new SIG551A1 carbine: Based upon the American SIG556 platform, it more closely resembles its Swiss cousin, the Swiss Arms SG551 in a number of ways: magazine/receiver interface, stock, flash suppressor, and finish color. The SIG551A1 lower receiver will accept Swiss magazines, which “rock & lock” into place, similar […]
It’s been 238 years since Thomas Jefferson’s birth, yet his ideal of an American yeomanry still provides context for American identity. (see Phillip Longman’s “Yeoman’s Return“) Today, Yeoman Tell was born. As you explore his Haus, you’ll find rooms dedicated to topics that interest our modern yeoman of Swiss descent. In the Armory, we’ll cover […]