Yeoman Tell In Pursuit of the Good Life

Je suis Paris

When confronted with evil, people with hearts bigger than their brains always want to “do something.” But before problems can be solved, they must first be understood. Europe can learn a difficult lesson: that not all who claim to be victims are truly victims… or weak, or benevolent. People can lie. This simple idea is so foreign to these kindly folks that they fail to plan for contingencies. And, when one fails to plan, one plans to fail.

That failure has been spectacular and merciless, because laws of human nature are as inflexible as gravity. Just as one cannot fly simply by ignoring gravity, evil cannot be confronted by wishes and whimsy. Well-intended optimism has cost countless innocent lives, sacrificed upon the altar of a secular faith that assumes everyone is born good and remains immaculate. History does not bear this out. It cannot be proven by human experience. It is not a scientific, rational or reasonable view. It is a fanatical religion.

This religion demands that we empathize with evil, that we rationalize it, pity it, even love it. But to love evil is to hate good. When we coddle the guilty, we participate in harming the innocent. To comfort a woman who feels unprepared for motherhood, we cannot say abortion is a “choice” without condoning the death of a child. To prevent bloodshed, we cannot disarm peaceable citizens without empowering robbers and terrorists. Out of concern for the poor, we cannot hand out welfare without taking value from others. And, in deference toward historical injustices, we cannot blindly accept every claim of victimization without creating new victims with our carelessness.

No, Paris is not notable because of racism. It’s notable because it was a foreseeable, barbaric act of warfare in the heart of tolerant, disarmed, socialist Europe. The very “leaders” who promised us heaven on earth if we only abandon religion, trust in the goodness of humanity, share our material wealth, lay down our arms and submit to democratic whim struggle to explain how such a beautiful Utopian dream crumbles so easily. The stark, brutal answer is simple: While decadently embracing the bountiful blessings of the enlightenment, they have neglected its foundation. Without God, and relieved of reason, their best-laid plans can only come undone.



Yeoman Tell is a Christian homeschooled autodidact polymath from Pennsylvania. He holds a bachelor's degree in political science, a graduate certificate in geospatial intelligence, and is pursuing a master's degree in homeland security. He has formally studied religion, law, business, and four languages. He consults for small businesses, and is certified as an NRA Law Enforcement Patrol Rifle Instructor.